Homemade Kitchen Inspirations

I would say I am a semi creative person. I cannot build something out of nothing, but if I see something I can create a similar thing of my own. Hence my kitchen.

Below is a list of blogs I followed to create my own homemade kitchen. There will be a separate post on how I built my kitchen coming soon!

Andreadekker was my inspiration on a simple clean kitchen look created from an entertainment center. I have boys and will hopefully have girls in the future so I wanted a gender neutral kitchen. Nora’s sleek looking kitchen gave me the idea for my kitchen.

Lovelyetc was my inspiration for the granite countertops. I though of using contact paper, however the nightmares of lining my bathroom drawers came back to life. The four step paint process of creating a granite countertop was the most cost efficient and time saving option for me.

Momwriteslife was my inspiration for adding light fixtures in the kitchen. They used electrical wiring and led lights for the oven. I don’t have the expertise in electricity and didn’t want to hurt myself, so I used motion sensor lights instead.