Health & Fitness

How to do a Proper Push Up

Push ups is a great non expensive exercise that you can do anywhere! It is also easy to not do a proper push up. Here are a few tips on making sure your form is correct!

How to do a Proper Push Up

Have your hands placed slightly shoulder width apart. There are a variety of different push ups, depending on your experience and strength you can place your hands closer or farther apart to focus on different muscles. 

Make sure your feet placement feel comfortable for you. If you are starting out, the wider your stance the more stable you will be. Start shoulder width apart and slowly bring your feet closer together for a higher resistance.

Make sure you are engaging your core. Your body will be in a straight line. Your butt should not be up in the air or sagging. If your body is not in a straight line your body is overcompensating.

With your arms straight, butt clenched, and abs engaged, slowly lower your body until your elbows are at a 90 degree angle or smaller. If that is too easy for you, you can lower yourself closer to the ground.

Try to keep your elbows in the same position with each repetition. Keep them relatively close to your body. When you get tired and you notice your elbows are flying out, take time to adjust your form. It is okay to go on your knees to help finish your set. It is better to have proper form than to finish a set and not doing it correctly.

Once your arms are 90 degree angle, pause for a second and then explode back up until you’re back in the same position.

Congratulations, you just did a proper push up! Do as many as you can, once you start to feel your form change; you are done with the set. If you can only do five good push ups, write down your results and aim for 6 or 7 next time. Perfect form allows you to keep track of your improvements week over week and will decrease chances of injury.

Photo Credit: Russell Vong